Radiator thermostat showing offline randomly

One of my smart thermostats goes offline and then reconnects some time later. Would adding a wireless thermostat help with the stability of the connection?


  • wateroakley
    wateroakley ✭✭✭

    @ChrisRhodes Adding a wireless thermostat is unlikely to make any difference to the TRV going off-line. Two possibilities: a) faulty/intermittent TRV. Or b) the TRV is too far from the internet dongle.

    Suggest that you try swapping the TRV with one of your other TRVs on a rad nearer the internet dongle to see if a) the intermittent connection follows the device.

    Or b) the fault stays with the rad, suggesting it's too far faway rom the current position of the internet dongle. If that's the case, moving the dongle to be vertical and higher has been found to be effective by some users. Also, it should be possible to relocate the dongle using a cheap wifi extender with an ethernet port.