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Tado not calling for heat

We have had our set up for a good couple of years now and in the last month or so usually In the middle of the night the extension kit stops calling for heat. The only way I can seem to get it to work is to power on and off again.

We have an extension kit for the hot water and 5 trvs and a have wired thermostat.
I've contacted Tado support a few times now with little to no joy. The first two time they did a system reset and pushed some configuration. Both time it lasted about 3days then it stopped again. I contacted tado again today to which they wasn't very helpful.

Any tips and advice would be great.

Best Answer

  • daniel2
    Answer ✓

    I'm getting what seems like a very similar issue - for the last 2-3 days, I wake up in the morning and the heating hasn't come on. I check the app and there is a grey disconnected icon on every device (I have both smart thermostats on the radiators, a g/w and a receiver). This did used to happen very occasionally and it was the internet gateway crashing and a power cycle of just the gateway always fixed it, however in these recent cases this doesn't work and I need to power cycle the boiler / Tado receiver.

    This morning I did this. Now, everything looks like its working - all devices are visible, the receiver has normal looking lights, and its connected according the lights and the app, Tado app claims everything is ok, however the receiver isn't firing the boiler. When I press the test button the boiler fires, so I assume that the receiver is working.

    I've written to tado support but it sounds like they don't work over the weekend which is frustrating when the heating isn't working properly.


  • There's something odd here. Do I presume right that you have Tado TRVs? If so, the TRVs should activate when they need heat. You'll hear them wind open. Do they still do that? If they do that, they will also instruct the extension kit to fire the boiler.

    If they do, normally when one is open, it should force the extension kit to fire the boiler. If all are open and the extension kit doesnt work, I'd suspect that the extension kit is faulty.

    An alternative is to use your app and force the room on by raising its temp. If nothing happens, the extension box is likely the culprit.

    Now, does the kit fire the boiler when you press the CH heating override key on the extension box? It should. If it doesn't, that's another reason to believe it is faulty.

    If the first identical fault happened during the warranty period, you have a right to contact the retailer and demand a replacement, especially if you still have a copy of the script that came with your exchange.

  • Hi policywonk,
    Yes we do have TRVs. The TRVs are opening at the scheduled time and also open when prompted via the app. However, when this fault occurs you can hear the TRVs opening but the boiler does not fire. Only after a hard reset does it then work. The fault doesn't seem to affect the hot water. Although this could just be that there was hot water stored in the tank from the last heat schedule. Also, I think I must have the old style extension box as there is no CH override button on the box. Only a single button in the middle for resets and pairing.

    I have been back and fourth with Tado support over the past few weeks and they have come to the conclusion that it is a faulty extension box. Unfortunately, it is out of warranty as I have had it for more than two years. But thank ypu for your comment
  • DPL
    edited March 2024
    I'm having the same problem. For the last week the app says it's calling for heat, but the boiler isn't firing up. 2 hours ago I increased the temperature from 20c to 25c and it hasn't fired up. It does eventually work but it seems really inconsistent.

    It's been working fine for 2 years until a week ago. Pressing the boiler symbol on the receiver fires the boiler up instantly. Nothing in the house had changed. I'm wondering if there has been a firmware update that had made it unreliable.
  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    Could it be loss of signal between the bridge and the extension kit?
  • Does the CH button on the extension kit fire the boiler? If it does, technically the extension kit is working,. If it doesnt, then the extension kit is in question. If it needs a power down and power up to kick off the boiler I'd buy another extension kit and try it out.

  • Hello @EAS,

    First, I am sorry to read that tado° support was not able to help you fix the issue. It is indeed strange that their system re-set fixed the problem, only for it to return a few days later.

    Like hugbilly, I am also wondering if the problem might be related to your Internet Bridge? Might something be obstructing it at night?

  • Hi @Emcee

    I did try that. However, after tado had carried out few reset and system configuration changes with no joy. They suggested it could be the extension kit, so I've got new one to install to see if it makes a difference.
  • @daniel2 thank you very much for your suggestions!
    I am sure these will prove to useful to future community visitors 🙂

  • This is happening to me too. On the app, it says the rooms are calling for heat, various levels (0-3 lines), but the boiler controller doesn’t fire the boiler until I select boost all room to 25 degree, It seem the signal to start/stop the boiler is really intermittent, there is a huge delay between the time app calling for heat and actual time the job is scheduled to boiler. No flashing error light on the boiler controller, my internet bridge is in the center of my very small flat, and I’m sure signal is very strong.

  • Confused_user1
    edited November 2024
    Having the same issue .. calling for heat.. nothing... turn it.. off .. Have to keep pairing the bridge .. then seems like age before it register's .
    Thinking theirs a bug in the last update somewhere ... never had this problem before..
  • I have similar issue. Boiler won’t fire up for ch but will for hot water. TRVs operate fine and app says everything is ok as does the receiver. My termostat is hard wired to boiler but is stuck in configuration. I don’t know how to fire up the boiler without the thermostat so have no heating.

    Customer help got in touch to ask for a photo but that was 5 hours ago and no response since. Which is really annoying as it’s cold and we have two young kids! Any suggestions on how to bypass to fire the boiler?
  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024

    My heating is working fine but just found out the schedule for the hot water isn't working even though the hot water light is lit. This might be something to do with the device connectivity being degraded. I would have thought the Care & Protect section would have highlighted the issue. Does this really work and what are we paying for.

  • I have a simple system with wired thermostat, bridge and extension to control heating and water. Installed 7 years ago, it started with the problem of intermittently not triggering the boiler last year, always when the system was cold. Just toggling on and off the heating heausing the app does not work. The problem is intermittent. Like others, I found that removing the front of the thermostat, removing the battery for a few seconds , replacing it and sticking it back on the wall (i.e. hard reset) temporarily solved the problem, only for it to recur after a few days. I am familiar with others thinking they have solved the problem, only to find it has recurred a few days later.

    I wondered if the connections in the thermostat were corroded, but no joy with a dab of WD40.

    I assumed the problem was with the old thermostat, so replaced it with a new one and installed the new internet bridge that came with it.

    Frustratingly, the problem recurred this morning with the new system.

    I now wonder if it is the extension kit causing the problem, but don't want to fork out for this when actually I would be better better off moving to another platform altogether.

    Has anyone had experience of solving this problem?

  • @Rikkix Get Tado support involved immediately. Tell them that you arent getting heat and if this persists start a new thread get us to help, letting us know what support did and what then happened.

  • @royi Hey mate, you've been around some time. Is there a chance that a motorised valve which feeds your tank is stuck, or burned out? If so, there are Youtube videos to check and rectify that. If not, start a new thread give us the whole description and we'll respond.

  • @Mk31 Have you told support you have no heat? Make that plain. They are required to escalate when that happens.

  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭

    @policywonk The issue with the hot water schedule resolved itself. I still believe it was down to the connectivity being degraded.