w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Extra boiler connection — tado° Community

Extra boiler connection

I would like to install a boiler separated from my heating system. How can I connect it to my Tado network to manage my water temperature?

The model I would probably install is CTC 102 waterboiler


  • Hi BrunoDet,

    it could be possible to integrate an extra boiler with your tado° system. In order to be able to confirm what is possible, we will need to ask you further information about your specific case.

    Please contact our technical support via ticket or via chat at www.tado.com

    Kind regards,


  • Beste

    We hebben beslist, het zou een CTC Waterheater 101 worden van ctcbenelux

    Kan die gestuurd worden vanaf jullie systeem?

    Zo ja, hoe moeten we dat doen?



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