Strange behaviour during smart schedule


Do you have any idea why there was a switch from smart schedule to manual control today that caused overheating? No one manually changed the temperature either on the thermostat or in the app. Thx


  • straznicky

    Smart Schedule configuration as follows

  • straznicky

    happened again - manually set to 23st

  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭

    Do you have Tado linked to a smart assistant such as Alexa?

    Can you be absolutely sure that somebody else in your household didn't make the change?

  • straznicky

    Do you have Tado linked to a smart assistant such as Alexa? NO, already unlinked

    Can you be absolutely sure that somebody else in your household didn't make the change? 100%

    it's happened again a few times. always set to 23st

  • FFM
    FFM ✭✭

    I have a similar issue. Mine is ALWAYS set to manual mode according to the graph. Heating seems to adhere to the schedule, but the graph always shows that pointy finger up symbol. And that is the only room where it does that. Every other room works fine. In my case the offending room is the bathroom....