Turned one radiator on, another radiator turned on as well

Please can you help.

I have a wired Tado thermostat. The radiator which is in the living room where the thermostat is situated doesn’t have a Tado valve (I thought I read that there shouldn’t be a Tado valve on the radiator where the thermostat is located, but I could be wrong).
Anyway, when I turned the bedroom Tado valve radiator on, the living room radiator comes on. Is this because it doesn’t have a Tado valve or because it’s where the thermostat is located, or is it something else?
The app thinks the living room radiator is off.


  • johnnyp78
    It’s because there’s no trv on it so there’s nothing to regulate the water flow.
  • DCooper7
    Thank you for your prompt reply.
    I see.
    Does this mean I can put a tado valve on the living room, radiator where the thermostat is located?
  • johnnyp78
    Yes, there’s no reason why not.