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Lost Internet --> Heating Full ON

Good evening, On Monday night the port on the network switch that I plug my Tado Bridge into failed. The bridge started flashing "no internet" - but the effect on the Smart Thermostat (receiver) was to turn my heating on full blast. I was woken up at 02:00 by trying to sleep in what felt like an oven!

It seems that in the event of the internet failing, for wharever reason, the default position is to turn the heating on, and to ignore any temperature reading.

My heating is set to "turn down" to 18 degrees at 22:30 at night - but this clearly wasn't respected by the Tado.

Can anyone explain what happened? And also is there a way to get the Tado to do the opposite to what happened - i.e. don't run the heating.


  • Are you sure it was full blast and not just remaining in the last state your heating was in when the bridge lost connection with the server?
  • I checked the App at the time and it was showing 18 degrees, which was the low temperature it was set to overnight. However, the house was probably over 23 degrees. The radiators were making a roaring noise and were red-hot. Even downstairs in the kitchen was roasting. It was as though the temperature wasn't correct.

    Would things have been improved if I had it set to frost protection overnight, or is there a defect?

  • Because Tado doesn’t have a local schedule each room will stay in the last state it was in when it loses internet connection. Your Internet connection went down when your heating was on so Tado kept the rooms in the last state they were in. It does sound a bit odd that the heating was on throughout the house though - if it was coming on in rooms where the temp was set low then it does sound like something’s amiss.
  • I have one temperature sensor for the whole house, in the hallway downstairs.

    My "rooms and devices" looks like:

    1x Smart Thermostat

    1x Temperature Sensor

    1x Bridge

    Does the heating stay "open" until the internet is available? I am thinking that the system doesn't recognise the temperature sensor, or the thermostat while disconnected, so the "open" or on signal is sent to the boiler, and there is nothing to send an off signal. So the house just gets hotter and hotter until it melts.

  • I can test this by turning my heating off, and then pulling the ethernet cable out of the Bridge. The heating will come on.

  • I can only speak from my own experience, but the heating shouldn’t be coming on if it’s in an off state when it loses Internet connection. If it is you might need to take it up with Tado support.
  • What does "off state" mean? Does it mean that the heating is "off" because my heating is never off now - it's either at 20 degrees of an evening, or 19 during the day, or down to "frost-prevention" during the night. My understanding is that this is still "on" but will only be trigered when the temperature gets to 5 degrees.

    Do I need to set it to off completely?

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    An off state would be when the target temperature is reached, so the tado device linked to the boiler will not switch it on. For example if your target temperature is 19c but the room temperature is 21c then tado shouldn’t be switching on the boiler. It should stay this way if you lose internet connection.

    If the Tado device is turning on your heating from being off when it loses Internet connection, that’s not behaviour I’ve seen on my system. You could try testing it by unplugging your router when the heating is off to make sure.