w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Experience in controlling tado valves or thermostats using Smart Life 'human presence sensor' — tado° Community

Experience in controlling tado valves or thermostats using Smart Life 'human presence sensor'

Tado does not have own human presence sensors. I have such sensors under Smart Life. So I thought how to create a routine that, when you leave a room (called Study Dimitri), would set

(a) Tado valve to a fixed low temp, or

(b) return it to the scheduled setting from manual control.

After various tries (including IFTTT) I found that it can be done via creating automations in Google Home app (GH).

Problem: GH does not recognize the Home Presence Sensor (with radar) registered in Smart Life. (I use this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004866137388.html

Solution: use another device to activate (e.g. a Smart Plug most of which are recognized by GH), when Home Presence Sensor sends a signal. My plug is this:


1. In Smart Life, create a Scene "IF Home Presence Sensor OFF, THEN Smart Plug OFF.

2a. In GH create an Automation "IF (starter) Smart Plug is OFF, THEN (action) (Adjust home devices, choose room) 'Study Dimitri', and set to fixed (low) temperature.


2b. In GH create an Automation "IF (starter) Smart Plug is ON, THEN (action) (choose 'Try adding your own') and type

   "OK Google, turn off manual control on Study Dimitri"  (exactly like this)

This sentence in option 2b I picked here, from the post of Ditsy:


She used this sentence by speaking to GH, and it was generic: "OK Google, turn off all manual control". It appeared however, that that GH is smart enough also to undersand this sentence in the terxt form in its automation, and to recognize the room names. Pure magic. AI rulez.

Interestingly, if you put smth like "OK Google, turn off manual control in room Study Dimitri", GH does it for living room. Mmmm, so not really smart (yet).

Would be interesting to know experiences of other tado fans.