Rechargeable batteries wireless thermostat

I recently replaced the batteries on a wireless thermostat with 3x Amazon AAA 850mAh batteries however the low battery sign is still showing in the Tado App.
Does anyone know if rechargeable batteries will work with the wall wireless thermostat? I am keen to use rechargeable batteries as I have 8 wireless thermostats and 11 TRV's so keen to use rechargeable batteries.
Would apricate some advice on this and peoples experience of rechargeable batteries what they would recommend.
I've used Eneloop with no issues but found the Amazon rechargeables a bit large for the SRT's (probably ok for the Wireless thermostat though). As a second option, have recently got the Ikea Lappa which fit perfectly. People on here seem to think they are Eneloop clones.
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We're using a) the vendor recommended 1900mAh Panasonic 'eneloop' BK-3MCCE Ni-MH and b) a few Panasonic 'rechargeable ACCU' HHR-3MVE Ni-MH that the seller sent us instead of the 'eneloop' we ordered. Both re-charge on the Panasonic BQ-CC95 charger. No discernable difference between the two types.
Top tip - keep the rechargeables locked away at Christmas. The batteries were liberated from the kitchen for the grandchildren's RC cars and have never returned.
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I am asking about the wireless thermostat not rechargeable for the TRV from what I can see rechargeables do not work with the "wireless thermostat" ?
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No experience with the thermostats and rechargeable batteries. We’re using the original AAA alkaline batteries in three wireless room stats. On-line since Feb 22, March 22 and October22.
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It will be the batteries. Rechargables are about 1.2v normal are 1.5v so the lower voltage is being seen as almost flat batteries.0