What to do with zone controller 'dummy room'?


I have three zone valves in my house: 1) hot water tank; 2) downstairs heating; 3) upstairs heating. Following guidance from these forum pages, zones 1 and 2 wired so as to be activated by the extension kit, and zone 3 is activated only by a wired smart thermostat. So far this works ok; rooms (using a mixture of smart TRVs and wireless temperature sensors) on each floor of the house talk to the relevant zone controller (extension kit for downstairs, wired stat for upstairs) which opens only the correct valve.

My issue is that Tado rooms apparently cannot contain their zone controller. Attempting to place the wired thermostat in a room on the app and setting that room's zone controller to be the same thermostat returns an error message (this also happens if you try to set the room ZC to be independent). This limitation has been confirmed to me by the Tado support. I'm left now with what I'm calling the 'dummy room' which consists of just the smart thermostat and whose zone controller is the extension kit. If it calls for heat both upstairs and downstairs valves are activated. As such, I have set this room's temperature to be very low so as to be effectively 'off' at all times.

This seems like a bit of a lame workaround though. Does anyone know whether there are solutions this problem? What would someone do if they couldn't create other rooms through the use of additional Tado equipment?

Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee | Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Highland_doug,

    Thank you for your contribution to the tado° community forum. Unfortunately, it appears your post has gone unanswered. If the issue you've described still persists or if you continue to have questions about tado° products and services, please do not hesitate to outline these in a new post.

    We are making concerted efforts to revitalise the forum in order to ensure a more lively community space.

    Looking forward to future discussions!