I have a tado smart thermostat and my radiators have smart thermostats.


I have a tado smart thermostat and all but one (the bathroom ) of my radiators have smart thermostats and sometimes the smart thermostat asks for heat when the radiators do not. Consequently the boiler is running to unnecessarily heat the bathroom towel rail.

what should I do? I’m thinking the smart thermostat is not necessary in my setup.

Best Answer

  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I have the same setup in a couple of rooms, two SRVs and a Wireless Temperature Sensor. In each case the latter is the measuring device and "drives" the SRVs to open and close as required.

    I've attached a couple of screen grabs to show how this is indicated in the app. If your system shows the same then I don't understand why it's not working.


  • johnnyp78
    If it’s being used wirelessly, put the smart thermostat in the same room on the app as your radiators with Tado trvs. Also physically move it there. Make the smart thermostat the measuring device for that room.

    If the thermostat is wired in somewhere unsuitable, either make it zone controller independent or put it in the same room on the app as some of your Tado trvs and make a Tado trv the measuring device for that room.
  • Jimbob
    Thanks for replying Johnny. Your first paragraph describes how it was physically set up. (Until last night)

    However I can’t work out how to make it the only measuring device in the lounge.

    So it may call for heat but the rad trv doesn’t think it needs it.

    For now, I’ve removed the smart Thermostat from the lounge in the app and designated it Bathroom, as there is no trv in that room and physically placed it there. I have also given it 5o as its target scheduled heat. That at least stopped it calling for heat in the lounge and the rad refusing and the boiler running all night just heating the bathroom!

    I hope that’s not too wordy.
    Any thoughts?
  • hugbilly
    If the thermostat is in the same virtual room as the TRVs then the app would generally select it as the measuring so that it controls the TRVs in the same virtual room . . .
  • Jimbob
    🤔 Perhaps it should but it doesn’t. Even when in the same physical room and the same virtual room. If the smart radiator thermostat says no it means no.
  • Jimbob
    Hi hugbilly, I think I can see what’s gone wrong in my setup because I couldn’t choose which item to be the measuring device. Although they were both in ‘lounge’ they were somehow separate entities.

    Mind you it’s been useful being able to check the bathroom temperature and humidity levels.
    Thanks for your advice. I’ll have a look when I get home.
  • Jimbob

    Hi hugbilly,

    Thanks for the screen shots they showed me that mine weren’t correct having lounge in twice.

    I’ve swopped the smart thermostat back to the lounge and……guess what….. it is now in the same group as the smart radiator thermostat, which means that automatically it is the measuring device.

    Very helpful, and thanks. 🙂

  • Jimbob
    Brilliant community
    very helpful. Thank you. 👍🙂