Limiting user access to advanced features

Dear Tado why are you so worried about users having access to advanced features.
I recently tried to use the installer app apparently as I'm not an installer I'm not allowed to access/configure my own system. I explained I had installed my Ufh system myself and none of the installers locally use tado.
No help to find an installer was offered just a blanket " I don't know why but I'm not allowed to give access to users only installers"
Any questions on here about advanced setting and you have to go via support which is fine for straight forward system but not for complex setups.
These days people love to fine tune home automation systems but Tado


  • johnnyp78
    If you mean the Tado pro app, anyone can use it. Doesn’t offer that much more functionality if you’re not using Opentherm though.
  • mojomoomoo
    Configuring devices appears to blocked, I contacted support and they basically said "I simply am not allowed to provide customers with these instructions directly."
    As you said it's very simple otherwise