Make Auto-Assist and Energy-IQ tiles active upon subscription activation in the Tado app



I activated my annual Auto Assist subscription yesterday, but the Active-Assist and Energy-IQ tabs remained the same (advertising the service). I had to contact support about this, just to be told that it is expected behaviour, and that data will get populated after a month.

While that makes sense, it also makes for unintuitive UX. Once I activate the service, both those screens should change to something else, even if it's just an empty view with a message stating that data is being collected and will be populated after 30 days. Just an indication of some sort that the activation was successful.

One of the main reasons I subscribed to the service was to remove these messages, so having them persist is also not great.

Lastly, advertising one week of free trial to the service, but not showing any data until one month has passed is a bit misleading, and decreases my confidence that I made the right decision signing up for an annual plan, instead of doing the opposite.

Thanks for this, Tado is an otherwise excellent solution, and the app is really good.

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