Internet connections

I have two internet networks at home, one is Sky and the the other is Orbi. My question is if the network bridge is set up on one, does the receiver and all the TRVs etc need to be on the same network?

Best Answer

  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The devices connect to the bridge and not directly to the internet.


  • NormanRidley
    I was hoping it would have worked like Ring cameras but I now understand it goes via the bridge. My boiler is in an extension and the signal has to go through a couple of solid walls. At the moment I have a HeatGenius system and I have one of their z wave boosters to help the signal to the receiver.
  • NormanRidley
    Yes, thanks. I've reluctantly come to the same conclusion. Thanks for helping me come to a decision.