w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Radiators not remaining fully on when set to highest setting — tado° Community

Radiators not remaining fully on when set to highest setting

I have recenty had TADO installed to my house and I am getting used to configuring the system and set up - 20 radiators

It is an older sandstone hosue with very thick walls

There is one large sitting room with high ceilings with 2 radiators where we tend to sit at night as a family

Prior to having Tado as the TRV's were fully opended and the heating in the room was warm

However, with TADO set at 25C, the 2 rads do not stay fully on - they turn themself up and down and this results in the room cooling down

I know its probably meant to do that once it reaches its target temp, however my question is this

Is there a way to put the tado valves on a fully open setting/manual for only a few hours each night when we sit in the main room to avoid the above scenrio happening

The only way I can presently do it is by "boosting heating in all rooms setting" on the app

Any comments appreciated


  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    I presume you mean you have Tado SRTs on the rads in the living area. I’d have thought a wall mounted Tado stat would work best.

  • Tado SRT's on each individual rad served by one main themostat ? This is how the engineer configured it ?

  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    No, I meant just a stat on the wall.

    If you had an engineer fit it, they must be familiar with the house and system. Surely they can advise.

  • The settings of other rooms shouldn't affect the valve behaviour in this room.

    Are they definitely closing? Check the graph on the room to see what it's doing.

    Assuming they are not closing and you are not reaching temp I suspect one of two things -

    1 - this room is not configured as a call for heat to boiler and its thus not firing until one of the other rooms that eventually require heating turn the boiler on.

    2 - there is insufficient flow with just this radiator so the boiler is idling until it can.

    However if the graph not dark for three wavy lines and the valves are shutting for long periods when nowhere near target temperature then you need to raise a ticket with support to get them to make the heating more aggressive fir that room. Sadly any learning function of tado seems very restricted or completely absent in my experience of tado.
  • Phillip_PAL
    Phillip_PAL ✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Also agree with other comment by @Montage, your sitting room with two radiators should have a wall mounted thermostat to better control the two trvs as the temp sensors in the trv are rubbish and likely sensing the heat of the radiator and incorrectly sensing 25 has been reached?

    Ensure both trvs are correctly grouped into 'sitting room' and that 'sitting room' is controlled by a zone controller instead of independent to ensure it can call for heat from boiler via the zone controller.

    Your wall controller pictured doesn't appear to be assigned to a room so is presumably located elsewhere? (perhaps this wall thermostat IS the zone controller if it's hard wired in)

    If you have a wall controller in the room ensure it's assigned to 'sitting room' such that all three are in same room and ensure the wall controller is set as the measuring device.

    If you don't have wall controller in room, try selecting the other trv as the measuring device - that might have different characteristics.
  • That sounds like a solution - let me explore further - thanks again