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TADO Wireless receiver Device - Wiring issue

I have a Baxi105HE Combi the Op manual ( JPEG extract attached)

7. To connect external control(s) remove the link between terminals 1 & 2. The 230V supply at terminal 1 , must be connected to the external control. The switched output from the external control must be connected to terminal 2 (Fig. 43).

I believe this is switched Live as per diagram Fig 43.

My actions to fit TADO Wireless receiver Device. I have bridged between L + CHCOM on TADO Wireless receiver Device, as per TADO instructions .

To comply with the Baxi Op manual I also think I need to wire from CHCOM to terminal 1 on Boiler panel , not shown on TADO wiring Diagram 

Please advise


  • If you mean the bridging the L to the COM on the Tado, it’s not essential. You can run the L from the boiler and return the SL to the boiler. That’s terminals 1 and 2 in your terms.

  • Thanks for response

    Set it up like that originally, then changed as to how wiring schematic showed , as thought not correct . This now resolves my query on matching with boiler schematic.
  • Connect it as per the POTENTIAL FREE diagram in the Tado. That is , remove the link at the Tado from L TO COM, and ONLY connect the boiler terminals 1 and 2 to the COM and NO terminals of the Tado relay 1