w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Smart TPV in one room shows higher temperature — tado° Community

Smart TPV in one room shows higher temperature

Hi all. I am newbie here. i just got tado system a few weeks ago and something interesting is happening in just one room.

Our setup: 3 zones. 1 hot water and 1 main area. 1 master bedroom.
Wireless receiver + thermostats v3
One wired thermostat
8 smart TPVs

Each room has smart tpv. But one room is misbehaving. We call it lounge.
In lounge the TPV constantly seem to read much higher temperature than it’s actually. I have recalibrated it properly. And also swapped with another TPV same result.

For example at night when it is called both normal thermostat next to tpv and tado shows 18.2c. However at 7am heating started and after 20 minutes tado shows already 20.5 but real one still in 19 range. If I touch the radiator is warm not hot. If I put it manually higher it gets properly fully hot. Then in the evening tado would think the room is at 21 degrees in reality it’s 19.

Setting offset to 2 degrees just way too high as it basically makes it work when it doesn’t need to be etc. as others on the forums mentioned in reality the offset needs to be in 2 areas when cold and when hot. (Low and high) rather than 1.

I wonder if that’s something to do with balancing of the radiator. Perhaps what happens is that when the TPV calls for heat it gets so hot so quickly and the reading is all bad.

Perhaps someone with similar experience can suggest ? A while ago I had a thermal camera and tried to balance the radiators so maybe that’s what’s happening here.

The support so far looking at my case but I wanted to check common wisdom as well. As pretty sure they will say something wrong with radiator. Radiators are brand new less than 2 years old.


  • Ramzez
    edited February 2023
    So apparently I have Pegler valve which is m30 and installs fine but according to support may not be closing the valve fully. And not fully compatible. Although in one place on the website(sale site) it shown as compatible but in support section not.

    Now I am not confident that all other TRVs are working fully correctly.

    One room is off by 1.7 degrees (warmer) and If input offset the heating starts too early as it seem to measure correctly only when the room is cold.

    Child room is acting up a bit as well.
  • I’m not a fan of the SRTs or micro zoning, but I’ll leave it at that.

    In general offsets are not seen as a proper fix. Remote sensors are generally preferred.

    SRTs not functioning properly are common, due to underlying valve hardware on the rad, or the SRT itself having problems getting the full range on the pin.

    The forum is largely about getting the gear working, rather than whether any of it is a good idea for a particular system or dwelling. There seems to be no engagement from Tado in either direction.

    Good luck.

  • Yes, thank you for your reply. I just decided to return all of them, it seems like a great idea, but in reality it's just doesn't work. A common reply Is to have an external sensor. but taking all the costs into account I think manual TRV does the job perfectly.

    what I have also noticed on smaller radiators and other places is that when the rooms needs a little bit of heating the status changes to setting 1, no hot water coming in for quite sometime, making me believe the Tado thinks it opened a valve slightly but in reality it didn't. Perhaps a Pegler issue.

    In any case I think I will wait for the next generation and definitely for the price to come down and technology to mature more.