Strange TRV behaviour

My bedroom, controlled by a trv was working perfectly until ten days ago, but not since.
It's scheduled to come at 22 degrees for a few hours in the morning, drop to 16 all day and then 22 before bedtime, dropping to 14 overnight.
The rad has started to come back on through the day even though the trv shows no switching on.
I thought that it might be the trv leaking through to the rad however it does a good job of shutting off properly overnight.
The room door is always closed so this is not heat transfer from another room.
Images are: 1) schedule, 2) current behaviour, 3) old behavior
Any comments would be appreciated. I notice there have been similar postings from others.
If the boiler is firing during the day, for other rooms, then I'd have thought it was letting by. Does the boiler schedule on or off during the night (midnight-07:00)?
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I think I see what you mean.
No other stat or trv is set to call for heat during the night.
It has been OK before. I have just reset and recalibrated the trv and checked that the valve pin is not stuck. Will see what this does.
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Well, that bit fiddling worked yesterday but today the rad is still letting hot water pass the valve.
I'll have one more try at jiggling the valve pin and if that doesn't work I'll swap the trv with another and see if the problem follows the trv or stays with the valve base.
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More tapping and jiggling the valve pin plus liberal use of WD40 had no effect.
Swapped the TADO trv with another room but the problem stayed in the original room so it's the radiator valve base that is not closing.
That's good because they are cheap enough, but a messy job to replace.
Thanks @Montage
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I'm glad it all worked out.
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Hasn't worked out yet, need to buy a new manual trv and fit it.