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Switched live question

I have set up the wireless receiver to operate in switched live - i want to use as a timer for underfloor pump - the problem i have is that the CH NO (Switched live OP) is always on even when i set CH to off i.e. there is always mains voltage - what am i missing?.


  • Sounds like you’ve bridged the L and SL.

    Did you replace another stat and use the Tado connectors, sticking the L and SL in the same one, as instructed?

    Those Tado connectors aren’t like standard electrical connectors, where they have to go in the same ‘port’. If you put the L and SL in side by side, they’ll bridge. I used a separate connector to terminate my wired L and SL. No bridge.
  • This is what i have done - no other connections - wireless rad stats are working fine - how do i get the CH NO to switch off - go to 0 V?

  • Sorry, I don't follow.

    Due to tado's (rubbish) instructions, it's not uncommon for users to inadvertently bridge at the wireless room stat, which causes the constant call.

    Not sure from your response if that's what you've done, or whether you've terminated the stat wiring with separate connectors for L and SL. If the latter, then that's not the bridge.

    When you say your TRVs are working fine, are they switching CH on and off in conjunction with the receiver? If so, where's/when's the constant call you're referring to?

    Also, for clarity, is this a wired room stat attached to the UFH, or wireless (with terminated wiring from its predecessor)?

  • @DM932187 are you talking about the wago connectors that Tado supplies to close off unused wires?
  • @johnnyp78 yep. unlike standard electrical connectors, I found them to bridge if L and SL put in side-by-side per the instructions.

    I probably didn't read the instructions closely enough.

    Anyways, with the wagos, putting the L and SL side by side, then N and E separately in the other two, creates a constant circuit (as I would have realised if I'd given it a moment's thought).

    Easily resolved by putting each one into a separate connector. Odd that tado only provide three.

  • All I am trying to do is set up a timer to switch UF pump on using the wireless receiver - I have activated the wireless stat to see if that would change the voltage to zero when set to off - is there some config i need to do on wireless stat - no matter what i do i get mains voltage on CH NO. Boiler etc is set separately - nothing to do with Tado. Previous wired stat system is completely disconnected from everything.

  • What are you using to send the timed instructions to the receiver - the wireless stat, presumably?

    When you disconnected the previous wired stat, did you disconnect at the wiring centre, or terminate the connections at that previous stat wall location? If the latter, that's where the bridging can inadvertently occur, which would send a continuous heating call to your receiver, regardless of what you do on the controllers.

  • Wireless stat - not even sure if i need this as the TRV stat is already working and i assume communicating for central heating on/off. As regards the connections all i have connecting to the wireless receiver is power - and i have bridged the L to CH com. The old system is powered down and not connected to the wireless receiver.

  • Thanks. You’ll appreciate I’m trying to form as best a picture as possible to ID the possible issue. I may necessarily be staying the obvious at times too, so bear with me.

    The smart TRV is presumably connected elsewhere and controls that rad. To control the UFH, you’ll need the room stat. The TRV can call for heat independently of the room stat, or only when the room stat calls for heat.

    As regards the previous stat, once removed, you need to terminate the connections as the wireless stat is, wireless. I assume you’ve done this, either at the stat wiring, or at a wireless centre. It’s easier to do the former but also easy to inadvertently stick the L and SL together, creating a constant call for heat.

    The wireless receiver sounds to be wired correctly, otherwise the TRV wouldn’t switch the heating on and off as required.

    Am I following you so far?
  • The wireless TRV is standalone and simply opens and closes - doesent need the wireless receiver. I assume i need the wireless stat to talk to the wireless receiver. Note the heating/boiler is separately controlled and nothing to do with Tado - phase 2 if i ever get pass this point!.

  • You can use the smart TRV to switch the boiler on/off, in which case it operates the wireless receiver relay. However, it sounds like you have it set up as a scheduled 'dumb' TRV (which is how I would run it, if I had them).

    How is the heating separately controlled - with another programmer and stat?

    How have you wired in the tado receiver alongside this separate set up?

    Typically, tado replaces other programmers. You mentioned this as phase 2, but depending on how you've wired the two systems in together, that could be driving the behaviour you're experiencing.

    What is it you want the tado stat to do? Only control the UFH, on a separate zone to the rest of the heating? Presumably, you've wired the receiver to that zone then, rather directly to than the boiler?

    As you can tell, lots of variables, so trying to form a clear picture. Might be worth taking a step back and giving us a more detailed overview. It'll likely be something quite simple. Just can't see it yet with the info you've given.

  • Yes - all i want the receiver/stat to do is to control a separate zone - no connection to boiler.

  • So assuming no call for heat needed, wire as per boiler but SL (CN NO) to power zone valve. Is that what you’ve done there?
  • yes just need to use it to switch live.

  • So you've wired receiver as above, and you've definitely not bridged the L and SL in disconnecting the old stat, but nonetheless, you have a constant call for CH at the receiver?

    Things to eliminate:

    You've presumably not amended the wiring anywhere else in this circuit, which was working properly on the old stat?

    What, if anything, happens at the receiver if you turn the heating off at the other controller? Does the light stay on? That would indicate the zone valve is also getting power from the other controller.

    Possibly the relay is stuck on in the receiver. You could give it a GENTLE tap or two and see what happens.

    Bridge, receiver and wireless stat all set up and connected to your account?

  • Excellent - gave it a solid tap and suddenly it is switching for me - many thanks for your help - was hitting a wall

  • No probs. Glad you’re sorted. Who’d have thought it was simply ‘hit it’?