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Boiler water temp control

Hi, I have not fitted my Tado controller yet as I am trying to get some advice. I purchased it as my son kept on about how good it is and how it would save me money. I have an Intergas HRE18V boiler with external control box, cylinder stat , utilising a two way Honeywell valve. The water temp is currently controlled using the cylinder stat and i understand the Tado control box and room stat will replace the current one and he assures me that it will also be able to control different water temps in the heating system and heating system but I can’t see how. Can anyone advise me if he is correct or am I in my understanding the water temp can only be controlled still by the cylinder stat


  • He is not correct. Unless he’s got some clever workaround, tado can only turn the water on and off on system boilers. You set the temperature on the boiler.
  • Thanks for your reply which confirms what I thought. As you seem to know about Tado I do have another question which is I understand that the ~Tado thermostat and control box replaces my current control box and RF room stat but again he tells me that by using the Tado SRV’s each one can override the Tado stat and fire the boiler and supply hot water to that rad. I say that it can’t and even if it fires the boiler the external pump would supply hot water to every rad that was open or calling for heat. Am I right or is he?

  • In the way you put it, you're both right!

    The room stat calls for heat like any other room stat.

    AND each smart TRV will independently call for heat from the rad it's fitted to

    In each case by doing so, heat will also be delivered to every other rad that is not at that point closed off by a TRV (smart or otherwise) or zone valve.

    So the smart TRVs override the room stat insofar as the room stat may not call for heat but a smart TRV might, and in so doing, will fire the boiler - e.g. room stat in hallway (no call), TRV in lounge (call) = boiler on.

    Personally, we don't use the smart TRVs. They need to be paired with the new wireless room sensors to give a reliable room temperature (otherwise, they're right next to the rads). I also understand they work like room stats/zone valves, i.e. on/off rather than modulating flow, which a TRV should (I could be wrong), which would be a particular problem for us as we have a weather compensating boiler and the last thing we want is to completely shut down emitter area as we'd have to increase the boiler flow temperature, which makes our boiler less efficient. (Yep, that's right, contrary to popular wisdom, reducing heat in some rooms can make the heating less efficient).

    If you're interested to learn more (and I'd entirely understand why you wouldn't!), check out heatgeek.com

  • The trvs do modulate. Regardless of that, as has been said, Tado trvs can call for heat. If they are in a room with a thermostat, it’s usually the thermostat that calls for heat. Any radiator which doesn’t have a Tado trv fitted will come on when either the thermostat or Tado trv calls for heat.
  • Thank you all for your reply's which are very useful. I do have another question regarding changing from my current external Danfoss control box and RF room stat to my new Taco stat and controls. My limited knowledge regarding this is that I already have a permanent feed from my boiler to the controls in the airing cupboard where the Danfoss controls are, so it should be pretty straight forward to change these over or not. My local heating company who installed my current boiler and controls want £100-£140 to cary out this work which I rightly or wrongly think should take no longer than 1 hour as the internet link/bridge has already been set up. I would appreciate any help with this as I have tried to contact another 2 heating engineers and Tado customer service but to no avail as none have replied

  • Is your control box two or three channel? If it’s two channel it’s a straight swap, if it’s three channel it will require rewiring.
  • I will check and repost if needed