Why can't I get a bearer token from the tado API
When I issue the command:
(without quotes and of coarse the right username and password) it succeeds in giving me an overview.
But when I try to get a Bearer Token for using in futher requests with:
(without quotes, same username and password and my 64 char long secret key wZa...Rtc), I get as answer:
{"error": "method_not_allowed",
"error_description": "Request method 'GET' not supported"
Can someone give me the correct syntax for syntax for getting a Bearer token that I can use as https request in an Android app.
Thanks for your suggestions
Maybe it's based on outdated information? Wouldn't surprise me...
libtado's _login in api.py seems to use a post instead of a get, so it may just be that.
(see https://github.com/ekeih/libtado/blob/master/libtado/api.py )
There's probably some built-in stuff in chrome or firefox to do a POST instead of a get, or you could use cURL to do tests from the command-line. This API was pretty disappointing to me, what would really be useful would be talking to the bridge instead of the cloud...0