Weather adaptation

Hello! Does anyone know which weather service used by Tado to adapt the operation to the outside temperature? Are the adaptation of the operation and transmission parameters of the boiler PERMANENTLY ADAPTED to the outside temperature?


  • johnnyp78
    I don’t know the weather service but you can see when Tado is adapting for sunshine if you click on the graph. I don’t know if it increases demand in colder weather.
  • GrayDav4276
    I know that the weather / sunshine is shown in the graph......but I can't say that I can see that tado° is actually doing anything with the information apart from displaying it in the graph.
  • johnnyp78
    It feels like it might operate at a lower output when it’s sunny but I’ve got no way of confirming this.
  • GrayDav4276
    You could very well be right.....but I can't see any way to "Confirm nor Deny" that tado° is capable of utilising this data....I have my thoughts on it.....but I'd better not say 😎
  • Aligras
    In the "Air comfort" section, the Tado application displays the outside temperature. This temperature is sometimes the same as the one shown by the Weather app on my iPhone. I think that, if you take into account the sunshine, it could take into account the outside temperature permanently. In addition, I notice that, on colder days, the "Early Start" function operates with a longer time interval. Thus, if it is 12 degrees outside, the boiler is ordered about 1/2 hour before the time at which the house must be heated, and when it is 6 degrees outside, the order is initiated about 55 minutes before.
  • johnnyp78
    So in that case it is adapting to colder weather too.