w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Overall boiler uage — tado° Community

Overall boiler uage

As well as all the individual charts in the app, how about one that merges all others to show the demands on the boiler over each day? This would allow a better judgement as to whether to use a steady state or on off strategy.


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  • then what I'm really after is:

    How many times has my boiler turned on, when and to which of the three heats.

    And if that was not on a graaph then I cold do my own. Its a case of getting a handle on how I'm using or abusing the boiler. This was easy with a central thermostat, but with 11 different devices being able to switch on the boiler its as clear as mud.

    If I see that it's on and off quite a few times per day and many of these are at high heat setting then I may as well dispose of opentherm and set the boiler heat to low and run steady state during the daytime.

  • I think everyone would like genuine usage stats that actually reflect how much the heating is on but it seems Tado think that calling for heat is the same as heating so I doubt if they will manage to do it.

    I have set my TRVs to independent so I just look at the graph of the wall stat page to have an idea of actual heating. Care and protect figure is nonsense and really should be where actual heating time is displayed.

    In times of high energy usage costs Tado really need to do a much better job of showing how much actual boiler on heating time is being used.

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  • I understand that they may not have boiler on figures. I'll settle for nett boiler call figures. That is, I want to know about a call when there is no other call still running. I would also need to know when a higher heat call is placed than any already running.

    This pattern would leave me with a fighting chance of coming up with a reasonable heating strategy, as it is we have to trust that using tado will reduce fuel usage.

    At the moment I assume I am saving as rooms are turned off and on according to requirements leaving the house (and us) colder.

    I would hate to think that we are making this sacrifice (and cost of tado) and using more energy than our previous warm house, low flow temperature, steady state strategy.

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  • How would you do this?

  • johnnyp78
    johnnyp78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Instructions are here - your boiler needs to be connected via opentherm to set it. https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/8611/release-opentherm-max-flow-temperature-setting/

    If you don’t want to download the pro app you can use this link https://model-selector.tado.com/
  • Unknown
    edited November 2022
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  • @johnnyp78 @GrayDav4276

    I'll have a look at that. Any ideas on what max to set to? I know it will differ according to your home characteristics, obviously I don't want it to take too long to heat rooms but it looks a better option than going full bore everytime the boiler needs to fire up.

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  • eezytiger
    eezytiger ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022

    @Folkranger In my opinion it is far better to view actual gas consumption throughout the day than to rely on Tado's guesswork. I have a smart meter which records gas and electricity consumption in 30 minute chunks.

    Here is my gas usage yesterday. This is 100% for heating, since there were no showers, hot water or cooking yesterday. When there are showers they are about 1 kWh each, cooking usually far less, so pretty small beer during heating season.

    Total for the day was 35 kWh. Spike at 07:00 is to raise the temperature after night time set back. Average consumption over 24 hours of 1.5 kW, so even with my boiler range rated to its minimum 9 kW it was off far more than it was on.

  • @GrayDav4276 @johnnyp78 Well that was easy. Set to 60. I'll monitor effect on heating and check heat drop over boiler input/output. Thanks. May have to adjust start times for some rooms.

  • System set to boost and boiler flow/return temperatures are 59 and 32.

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  • Thanks for your help. I just hated seeing the graphs and knowing that every dark grey line was asking the boiler to run at 80 degrees.

  • @eezytiger I have stoneage smart meters which give very little more than daily usage

  • Only an indicator but My tado graphs for the lounge have reduced from about 15 switch-ons per day in my lounge to 9 switch-ons since reducing max temperature to 60.

  • Because of reading that the boiler can now over-ride the tado set temperature I did a recheck. My boiler, set through Tado at 60 degrees is now 80 degrees.

    Guess what. I've now set the boiler itself to 50 degrees. I don't know whether to also set 50 degrees through tado.

  • If you can set the max flow temp on the boiler this seems to override Tado setting it through the digital interface, on my boiler at least.