w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Energy IQ area & Data Analysis improvements — tado° Community

Energy IQ area & Data Analysis improvements


After the last time suggestions about the review the previous data and Yes, I can see the delveoper quick changed now.

The previous data with the m3 usage only rather there had the cost £ figure in the current montly. (current month, that could choice m3 leave or cost £$)..Hope that can be apply to the previous data as well. Ofc the price is also different in every month execpially the energy price is rise but if there also can let user entry their own energy tarfif from differnt compnay then the cost will be more close to what user paid for.

In the other hand, if there are able to let user select the previous month data, can there also add some of analsyis chart to support this energy IQ area. for example, column chart for year view (or select speific months by user), Pie chart for month or daily usage analaysis, Also I do use smart radiator thermostart in all room as well, So I would be also interested in each room's data and some of analsyis..like room usage persentage of whole house bill, ....there had more interested data anayalsis can show. or if there can let user downland our own data in speicific select period as well then as less we can do the analsysis ourself as well as if the developer can't make it happen.

I hope those can be make is smart device move on the next step of support saving in engery rising stage.

Best regards,


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