Switching from Hive

Hi All,
I have Hive Active Heating installed and tried their TRVs which to put it bluntly, do not work. Lots of customers with issues with the Hive TRVs. Anyway, i've returned them.
I am looking at the Tado ones as it was mentioned these "work" - does it work with my Hive system? I guess I use Hive Active Heating to turn the boiler on, then the Tado system to control the temps on each TRV.
If I wanted to replace the Hive system with Tado's heating system, is it easy to do myself? The hive is a receiver connected to the boiler and a wireless thermostat.
Hello WildWayz,
If you would only replace the Smart Radiator Thermostats, then yes, they would work as you explain, depending on the main thermostat to have activated the heating for them to have heat available.
In order to confirm if you can replace your Hive system with tadoº, we'd suggest to contact our support with the specific model of the thermostat and the receiver.
In case it is compatible, you would need the Smart Thermostat and the Extension Kit, to have it wireless as well.