w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }My V3+ setup is not properly supporting zones — tado° Community

My V3+ setup is not properly supporting zones

Hi all,

I have a very simple installation. There are 3 heating zones.

My components:

1) V3+ Wireless Smart Thermostat [incl. Programmer with Hot Water Control] for Zone 1 & Water

2) Add-on Wired Thermostat for Zone 2

3) Add-on Wired Thermostat for Zone 3

My problem:

The TADO Programmer always turns on the valve for Zone 1 when any heating is requested. Example: If I manually turn off Zone 1 in the TADO app and leave Zone 2 turned on in the TADO app, then the TADO Programmer sets the valve for Zone 1 to on: That is very strange behaviour!

Plumbers have investigated and they tell me it's very strange and that the Smart Thermostat and TADO V3+ Programmer appear to not support zones. Plumbers suggest I can fix my problem by adding another Add-on Wired Thermostat or Zone 1, and stop using the Wireless Smart Thermostat. Alternatively, the plumbers suggest there might be a setting in TADO that enables support for zones.

What are your thoughts please?


  • Tado does support independent heating zones. I suspect you have a misconfiguration and you will need the customer support team to make a change on your account. Your hardware selection is fine - I have a similar setup myself.

  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator

    @GrilledCheese2 When you say independent zones, do you mean a scenario where a boiler is piped for those zones each with the proper valves and controls?

    Each thermostat should control a valve that admits hot water to its section of the house.

  • GrilledCheese2
    GrilledCheese2 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022

    @rafm5 yes that is what I mean. It’s what is normally referred to as an S-Plan system and is commonly used for a radiator installation. The alternative is where you have a primary circuit that is always active and then a number of secondary circuits that are dependent on the primary circuit. This is often seen with combinations of under floor heating and radiators. There’s a master controller for the boiler and pump on the primary circuit, which I’m guessing is how the OP’s system has been configured.

  • BurningNaturalGas
    edited March 2022

    I see the problem! TADO documentation and TADO app use different terminology, and neither uses terminology that is very helpful to the plumbers.

    For clarity, there is one water pump pushing water across 4 valves:

    1) A valve for zone 1 radiators, controlled by Wireless Smart Thermostat via V3+ Programmer

    2) A valve for zone 2 radiators, controlled by Add-on Wired Thermostat

    3) A valve for zone 3 radiators, controlled by Add-on Wired Thermostat

    4) A valve for hot water cylinder, controlled by V3+ Programmer with Hot Water Control 

    The problem is that the V3+ Programmer is turning on valve (1) when any of valve (1, 2, 3) is requested.

    The solution appears to be settings in app.tado.com; currently all three thermostats have the same Zone Controller: Wireless Receiver. My view is that the setting for each thermostat need to be changed to Zone Controller: No Zone Controller (independent). My assumption is that No Zone Controller will elevate the thermostat to being a Zone Controller.

    It might be more helpful if TADO uses terminology like "chained to zone" instead of "no zone", but anyway, I'll try new settings when the air is warmer ;)

  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator

    It might be more helpful if people first tried to grasp the terminology around a new system, instead of merely plotting the words to their definitions. 😀 And of course there can be language barriers.

    I don’t think tado app and tado documentation differ so much.

    How do you drive your boiler - do you have a wireless receiver? And the wireless thermostat is conncted to your valve 1?

    In tado speak a zone is a circuit heated by 1 boiler, driven by the ‘tado zone controller’. Usually there is only one such zone in a house and therefore in the app. If you do have the wireless receiver I guess that’s the zone controller. The wireless thermostat is then configured as a wireless temperature sensor. It will just send heat demand to the receiver.

    Otherwise, if you have the thermostat configured as the zone controller and wired to valve 1, it will open the valve for any demand from any other wired thermostat and smart radiator valves.

  • Your wired thermostats must be their own zone controller. And the zone controller for wireless temperature sensor is the Receiver.

  • I know this is an old thread but I came upon this issue myself and managed to get it resolved - I hope this helps someone else.

    I had a wired thermostat and also smart radiator valves and it was all working perfect i.e. the wired thermostat was acting as a zone controller (operating the port valve and firing the boiler up) whenever the radiators demanded more heat.

    ...Then, when I added a wireless thermostat for the underfloor heating, things went wrong...

    The rooms for the radiators valves immediately got assigned the new wireless receiver as their zone controller. In the app I only seemed to have the options to have them assigned to the new wireless receiver or have them unassigned. Neither of these options were any good - I needed the original wired thermostat to act as their zone controller.

    I spent hours in the app checking the config and also removing/re-adding devices to see if I could get it reconfigured correctly but I could not get it setup how I wanted.

    I phoned the professional installer hotline (I am an electrician) and they were able to make this configuration for me immediately. Now in the app the wired thermostat is showing up as a zone controller.

    At the time of writing, you can't make this configuration in the app yourself initially, you need to get assistance from tado to resolve this for you.
  • I had this same problem. 3 heating zones, one wireless Tado, two wired. One of the wired controllers was also switching the wireless zone on and off. The wired controllers have to be set as their own zone controllers. Open the Tado app, go to settings, rooms and devices. Tap on the name of the room containing the wired controller. Select zone controller, click “no zone controller”. Simple when you know how.