w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Essential Tado App Improvements — tado° Community

Essential Tado App Improvements

Hi everyone,

I have been asked by Tado to post my request that the IQ energy facility within our Tado Apps be updated to include our electricity readings. This because... wait for it, you're not going to believe this... So us Tado Customers can vote on whether this should be included within the App.

I can almost hear the howls of laughter. It's what we call, in the UK at least, a no brainer, meaning, in this case; the facility to record any electricity used within our homes is essential for 'total' cost estimate for fuel expenditure.

All those dual fuel Tado customers in favour please register the necessity for this feature and, will the Tado forum moderators please inform us, your customers, of the outcome of this petition.

Stay safe and warm, if you can afford to continue to heat your house or would like to know the likely TOTAL cost, for both Gas and Electricity, in order to mitigate forecast TOTAL expenditure.
3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Hi everyone,

    I have been asked by Tado to post my request that the IQ energy facility within our Tado Apps be updated to include our electricity readings. This because... wait for it, you're not going to believe this... So us Tado Customers can vote on weather or not this should be included within the App.

    I can almost hear the howls of laughter. It's what we call, in the UK at least, a no brainer, meaning, in this case; the facility to record any electricity used within our homes is essential for 'total' cost estimate for fuel expenditure.

    All those dual fuel Tado customers in favour please register the necessity for this feature and, will the Tado forum moderators please inform us, your customers, of the outcome of this petition.

    Stay safe and warm, if you can afford to continue to heat your house or would like to know the likely TOTAL cost, for both Gas and Electricity, in order to mitigate forecast TOTAL expenditure.
  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator
    edited March 2022

    I personally do not want to share this information with 3rd party, also have privacy concerns what the data is used for and by whom?

    Smart meters already offer this function. tado° is here to support remote heating. No more, no less.

    SMETS2 meters are very accurate, you don't have to wait for the data to be processed by an external company and it is available immediately for you.

    I state that this functionality is not essential, the current to-do list for tado° is massive and some functions are business critical, and still not done :-(

  • To be of any use it needs to have the facility for more than one energy source, e.g. Gas and Electricity. In UK I doubt if many users have only one source.

    It has been confirmed that the EnergyQ feature is only for one source. I am better of continuing with my Excel spreadsheets, Tado offers nothing else.

  • Hi rafm5,

    Do you respond officially to my forum post as an employee or representative of Tado?

    Everyone is entitled to constructive opinion and I can easily summarise my response to yours as... paranoid!

    The point is that a 'choice' should be available within the existing Tado App to facilitate the entry of electrical consumption just as it is currently with gas.

    You offer personal opinion not cogent argument by suggesting that because you do not wish to use, presumably even the current gas monitoring and estimated cost prediction facility within the app, everyone else should have the same opinion.

    In 'my' opinion Tado will, and indeed must, embrace innovation and change by offering customers the choice, particularly if that choice would enhance and / or complement existing IHD smart
    (SMETS2) device technology and steal an edge on the competition, including the IHD manufacturer's. This with things like Tado's existing Alexa smart home integration, essential in my case because of disability. Tado already work with my energy provider and I am on a long waiting list for a replacement for my faulty IHD. This with a IHD6-CAD-PPMID, which should offer the 'choice' for secure cloud management of all my current energy sources; Gas, Electricity and Solar. Ground source geothermal vertical bore heat pump, one or two loop closed system, is currently being considered to facilitate a hybrid domestic renewable heating system with minimal gird support and the potential export to electric vehicle or back to grid for profit. A high initial investment but given the life span and cost savings proffered my heat pumps, negligible maintenance cost and particularly if powered by solar, would add value to my home and be ready for the next generation with a young family that would inherit my property.

    I further suggest that if you are not an employee of Tado you, just like me, can only ever offer suggested opinion and, in 'my' opinion, ALL Tado enhancements, to both hardware and software, would or should be prioritised based on cost benefit analysis for prompt profitable return on investment, but always allowing the Customer a choice as to whether or not to use a new or existing feature.

    If you do work for Tado then perhaps you could update us all, via this forum, on the progress made on all those other suggestions you state as being needed?

    I very much look forward to engaging further with you and other forum members in hopes that together we can make a positive contribution to enhance the sales and profitability of the Tado brand.

    Stay safe.
    Kindest regards
  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    Hello Rick

    Not a good start to call someone paranoid just 'cos his stance differs from yours. You clearly have not yet had the time to browse the many 'projects' requested by members here - supported in their hundreds and some of those design changes are major and close to mission critical. I agree with @rafm5 - this is way down the list for me ( a common or garden member)

  • rafm5
    rafm5 Volunteer Moderator
    edited March 2022

    @Rick_H All views are my own. Please feel free to share your comments and suggestions - you're in the right place.

    My job is to present a honest constructive feedback that focuses on facts, observations or own experience. And although I believe that tado° devices are generally good  (I barely have issues with my devices) in some areas tado° is letting customers down, and as an active member here I can see it.

    Remember, feedback can be constructive when either positive or negative, as long as it encourages growth. Growth in this case means making  tado° devices / service even better.

    Look at the upcoming work https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/28852/#Comment_28852 some of features are pending for year(s)  or yesterday’s post https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/39473/#Comment_39473 about HomeKit issues. Comments about false advertisement  have already been made.

    I personally prefer honest discussion upfront than seeing unhappy forum members claiming that they were promised features that are not available or doesn't work as should.

  • Hi again rafm5,

    Fantastic! Now we have a discussion going.

    Having read some of the stuff samd suggested I hadn't, I now proffer the opinion that this forum is mostly talk and has had minimal practical affect on either new software or hardware implementation. Most of the suggested changes still a work in progress and taking a ludicrous amount of time to bring to market. However, I will be the first to admit that upscaling, following concept trial, is the most challenging aspect of bringing new hardware to market. Software and firmware update to existing products, not so much but both need the will and financial backing from the Tado boardroom and other principal stakeholders. This with the likely requirement to secure partnership agreements with manufacturers (including IHD) and others, including energy service sector providers, where there would be an obvious synergy.

    I don't often explain my calculated and deliberate actions but for the benefit of samd and others, I'll make an exception. I meant no offense by calling rafm5 paranoid. This for his concerns over personal data security. I am a disruptor by nature and training, underpinned by experience. Some might, and many have, called me arrogant and rightly so, but never unprofessional. My deliberate intention within any open forum is to provoke a reaction, positive or negative, then use cogent argument based on evidenced fact that may influence the opinion of others. To be honest I expected more people to be jumping up and down about my opening comments. I even reported my own post to the Tado moderates just to stir the pot a bit. Maybe these Tado moderators were having a day off. I even emailed Tado customer service with my intent. It was they that invited me to voice my opinion via this forum which up untill today, I never knew existed. So now that I hope we've cleared the air, let's see if we can provoke even more forum responses...this is going to be fun!

    May I respectfully request that someone from Tado jumps into this discussion thread and answers this one simple question, inspired by JohnRayment (thanks John).

    Why have Tado wasted valuable time on a dead end feature of no practical use to many, when samd (thanks Sam) reports resources are purportedly required in support of other major and critical issues?

    Stay safe and don't worry... my bark is worse than my bite. I just want to nip the ankle of someone at Tado to solicit recognition. This for my own benefit because as a newbie on the forum I want Tado's official assurance that we forum members are, in fact, making a positive contribution to the brand and not just whistling in the wind.

    Kindest regards