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Replace Nest for Tado?


I'm wondering if people can give me opinions on Tado as a replacement to the Nest system?

I've had a Nest 3rd Generation installed for about 5 years now and have generally been happy with it, my boiler is a Viessmann Vitodens 100 WB1B dating to around 2010, but it supports OpenTherm and that is how my Heat Link is connected up.

Unfortunately yesterday at some point in the day, the Heat Link died and now has no power to it at all, power is getting to the PCB, but thats about as far as it goes.

So I am now in a position whether I replace like for like, or look at alternative products. Tado has come up as a recommendation, and it does look quite good.

I think as a starting point I'd just replace like for like, so presumibly I need the equivilant for the Heat Link & the room thermostat that is currently wall mounted in our lounge, but I am seeing wired and wireless versions and its confusing me a little bit.

My Nest Thermostat is wired to the Heat Link using the low voltage circuit they provide.

Can someone tell me what I need as a like for like replacement, and whether the Tado is a good replacement? I don't think I'd be looking at the TRV's initially, as we have around 14 radiators in our house, so that would proove to be quite costly.

I'm just in a bit of a rush as obviously need to get something replaced today/tomorrow really.


  • @Adam1986 Tado is far more complicated then Nest! It might be ok or not for you but i have my reserves,having 14 radiators i'll doubt it will work. I have 12 and no TrV cause i wanted to see how it work with just the extension kit and thermostat....after 3 weeks i am still waiting some answers from Tado customer support. It is slow,to be honest,all is very slow at Tado's. With Tado,my experience is a lot of worries and headache,but i have spent some money and still wait for the tech team to do the proper tuning and make it work,i am not totally desolated by Tado,still have hopes but all that comes with my frustration of a thing that is expensive to buy and deliver a lot less then expected.

  • @BOG73, cheers for your quick reply.

    So what kind of issues are you having then? are you connected via OpenTherm os just basic Off/On relay?

  • @Adam1986 it is connected via opentherm with a Viessman B1kc 2019 model. I will try to keep short my comment:
    1. There a stages of heat request on Tado. These stages are 1-2-3 wavy lines on the Tado app.
    2. Temp set 21*C and 1st wave heat req comes in place at 21*C and 99% of the time the 1st wave activate only the boiler pump and till the temp drop to 20.6 the boiler will not start and run the pump for hours sometimes if the house is well insulated as mine is.
    3. When boiler fire is doing this very slow and take a lot of time to reach the set temp cause is heating the water at 34-36*C and at some point after long time decide to go at 45 or 50 for a short time and then modulates again and drop to 38 and set point is slowly reached
    4. And then stop the flame at 21*C but still run the boiler pump to extract the low heat from radiators and temp goes up so slow. After 30-45 min if the Temp not reach 21.3 the boiler will fire again for short time(4-5 times).
    5. YOU have no control,after long periods I am enough with the boiler run or either I jump the temp to 23 for 15min and force Tado to rise the water temp at 55 and finish the cycle or if I see the temp at 21.5 I set then to 20 and it is finally stopped.
  • @Adam1986 by Tado software,boiler can be on heating or if not heating the pump running for 14-16-18-20 hours a day. Is this ok for you?
    I can see some gas savings by 10% but electric bill has raised with 25% cause of the electricity used to run the boiler pump at 32*c and lower for heating nothing. What you can heat at 32 or 28*C? A closet maibe,a box room?! This is why in the last 2 weeks I am in contact with tech team at Tado to change the way Tado work in my house. Tado can be tuned from their side cause is cloud and all software is in Tado store. But is going very slow,need patience and lucky me is not so cold. Finally I hope to sort it and if not I will look for something else cause at the level I am with Tado at this moment is not satisfactory. Maibe will work,still hopes for the money I spent but customer support work is like this: ask something today and get answered next day if you lucky…I got questions for 5 days and still not answered and I guess never be.
  • At 11:36 the boiler started the pump only(set temp 21) actual temp after 1 hour 20.8 and Tado still run the pump only at 22*C?! Maybe in the next hour will fire but with a slow heat loss it will happens at 20.6
    All I can do is to jump temp to 22 and force Tado to fire and leave for 30 min and then set back to 21. That means with Tado have to mend all the time. It work very strange and it use electricity for nothing.
  • @Adam1986 I have a Vitodens 100-W (B1KF) as well, and went for the EU starter kit that supports opentherm.

    I think the UK version only supports relay at the moment. The main reason I went for Tado is the radiator SRVs it has, so you can control different rooms. Each SRV needs to be able to talk to the bridge