w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Need Help - Heating off but radiators on — tado° Community

Need Help - Heating off but radiators on

Hi all,

I recently had the Tado smart system installed and I am in desperate need of some help. I have set up the smart trvs in the rooms upstairs and left the downstairs with the old trvs. I currently have 3 radiators without any trv so i guess these are classed as always open. The issue i am having is even when i set my thermostat to off, these radiators are always on. Even tried using the function 'turn all radiators off' and they are still piping hot. Does anyone know if i need to do something to stop this as the temperature in the house was slowly climbing until it got to 23 degrees and now i have turned off the boiler to stop it getting any hotter. Any help will be greatly appreciated. At this rate it looks like even when i get to summer my radiators will still be on as it seems to take no notice of the temperature set on my main thermostat and just won't shut off for these few radiators.




  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator

    So what does your complete setup look like?

    Do you have only trvs or also thermostats, wireless receiver and such?

    The setup I would expect is

    • Internet bridge (mandatory in all tado systems, it communicates over the internet with the tado cloud services and over 868MHz radiofrequency with all other tado devices)
    • a device connected to the boiler (wired smart thermostat or wireless receiver)
    • smart trvs
    • possibly wireless smart thermostat (if there is no wired one)
    • possibly wireless temperature sensors

    For each physical room in the house with tado equipment you define a room in the app. (When adding a device you can choose where to put it)

    The one device connected to the boiler becomes the zone controller for every room.

    Depending on what you have you need to set the measuring device for each room to the correct device. If there is only one device in the room, that is the measuring device (i.e. temp sensor). Otherwise it can be a designated valve a thermostaat or wireless temp sensor.

    Decices should be paired properly with the bridge. Trvs should be calibrated without errors.

    Rooms/radiators without smart valves (‘conventional’ or tado) will just heat up whenever hot water is flowing.

    And all this is assuming you connected the devices correctly to your boiler, wiring as it should, protocol setting in the device (receiver or thermostat) to match your boiler etc. If you make changes in the settings or wiring, make sure to reset or restart your boiler.