w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }How to control (on/off/temperature) hot water from thermostat — tado° Community

How to control (on/off/temperature) hot water from thermostat

Room temperature can of course be controlled from the device itself. When you switch on/of hot water or change the temperature, the device shows you with the white LEDs. But how to control hot water directly on the device?

Background: I have quite a popular house as it is not to far from the see. Every now and then family and friends stay here, but I don't want to give them the app so they can control room temperature and hot water. They can control the room temperature on the device easily, but I have no idea how to control hot water on the device itself.

Best Answer

  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2022 Answer ✓

    Press the button. The current temperature is displayed. 2 seconds later the setting temperature is displayed, which can be adjusted with the up and down arrows. When now pressing the button again within a couple of seconds (with or without adjusting the set temperature) the hot water status is displayed and it can be switched on and off with the up/down arrows.


  • Pressing the thermostat 3x shows a fosset led with 2 arrows to turn tap on and of if a waterboiler is installed in the system. Is this what you sought?
  • gbouter
    edited January 2022

    Well, that sounded good, but when I press the round button on the device itself 3 times, I only see the normal hand, up + down button and the room temperature, same as when pressing it once. Could there be some other way or might it be a firmware thing (or equipment related, although it works in the app...)? Bought this thermostat less than 2 months ago, but I don't know if the firmware updates automatically?

    Judging from various screenshots I came across on this website / in the discussions, there seems a lot more functionality hidden in the device itself...

  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭

    When you have hot water control enabled in the system (not clear if you have that), you can only control the on/off on the thermostat, not the temperature. That can only be set on the website or app.

  • gbouter
    edited January 2022

    Well, on/off is exactly what [friends visiting my house | I] need...

    You say: "When you have hot water control enabled in the system" - I'd say I have, as in the initial post, as I can switch hot water on/off in the app (and I can indeed even determine the temperature in the app), but how to control it on the device itself, like I can control the room temperature? That is the question ;-)

  • GrilledCheese2
    GrilledCheese2 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2022

    In the app go to Settings->Rooms & Devices->Hot Water. The first option shows the duration that the hot water will switch on for. The second option shows which thermostat can be used to turn the hot water on/off - make sure the ID matches with the device you want to use. If a home has multiple thermostats then you have to select one only.

  • gbouter
    edited January 2022

    @Rob2 : You are a genius, this is exactly what I needed! The only downside is that in order to switch off hot water you need to take all the steps down per degree to get under 30 degrees (then it goes to off), which is a lot of taps on the device when your hot water temperature is at 56 degrees. So, it is also slightly different from what you said: on/off only, which would be exactly what I need.

    I have nowhere found this information, any more "hidden" functionality in the device? Or any good manual?

    The bad thing is that I raised this question to tado directly as well, after several reminders and rephrasing the question over an over again, the answer literally was: "het is niet mogelijk om het warme water uit te zetten via de Thermostaat" which means that it is not possible to switch off the hot water directly on the device... I just could not believe it, that's why I tried here over a month later one more time.

  • @GrilledCheese2 it was about controlling the hot water on the device, how it is done in the app is clear.

  • @gbouter I was providing information on how to check the configuration of the physical device, including the timer to switch off the hot water automatically without having to remember to switch it off manually at the device.

  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭

    Well it looks like the functionality is changing... before it was an on/off setting but now it is possible to change the temperature (and switch it off by lowering it).

    I guess whatever way it is done, there always are users who think it does not exactly fit their needs. It should probably be configurable.

  • @Rob2 So, tado can just upgrade whenever and to whatever they want, or do I need to upgrade firmware myself and is the version (more precise the difference in versions) just determined on when you bought the device and the then current firmware version?

    And... how did you know how this worked, as the only information I found was how to control the room temperature. Is there some, dynamic, manual?

  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭

    I just tried it, I knew that before it worked as I described first but it has apparently changed.

    There is no real documentation on what is changed, we just get surprises. The firmware is automatically updated but it happens in small groups (maybe by serial number or customer number). So it may be that installed firmware is different. Currently my smart thermostat firmware is version 91.1

  • "There is no real documentation on what is changed, we just get surprises." - that's a nice and friendly way to treat your customers ;-)

    Where can you check the firmware version?

  • @Gbouter I can check my hardware firmware by going to the Tado App=> instellingen => kamers en apparaten en klik op vb knop x. The frimware version is written above DISPLAY LATEN KNIPPEREN
  • @de_bigMaq ("but they call it "Le Big Mac in France" (Pulpfiction)). Another Dutchie ;-)

    Yeah I found out in the mean time, thanks.

    Bridge is firmware version 92.1

    Device (thermostat in my case) is firmware version 91.1