w.Intercom = i;Tado randomly switching off my heating — tado° Community

Tado randomly switching off my heating

Hi guys
Recently my tado started switching off my heating. It happens randomly at different times and days. Usually every day or every other day. Whole house heating (I have 2 thermostats covering 2 zones) will be switched to frost protection and won’t switch on until I go to the app and click on resume my schedules button.
It’s very frustrating as I end up waking up or coming back to a freezing house (I have pets and temp is set to 19.5 min while today it dropped to 15).
It was working flawlessly for a few months after installation and now start playing tricks like this.
Please advise.


  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    @Greggerly it sounds like something is triggering a manual control event. Do you use any smart assistants (alexa, Google etc) at all to automate or control other devices in your home?

    Sometimes these can get confused if the command is too generic and if tado devices have the same room name as, say for example a light. So it is possible that an instruction to turn a light off, if too generic can occasionally cause it to also tell tado to turn off that room...

    Looking at the times the manual event started on the room graphs might provide clues as to what my causing it.
  • I know this an old thread but I am seeing the same issue did you manage to figure it out?
  • If you have an issue with this try restarting the wireless temp sensor, the receiver and the bridge. Worked for me.