w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Fitted Smart valves, now my heating is all over the place — tado° Community

Fitted Smart valves, now my heating is all over the place

We have a Tado system, with wireless thermostat and network bridge, and originally no Tado Smart valves, so effectively one heating zone. The system worked well for ages, turning on at the appointed time, and going off per the setting. My other half wanted a bit more control over the bedroom heating, cooler in the morning, warmer in the evening, so I bought a 3 pack of thermostats, and fitted them onto our 3 bedroom radiators.

After fitting I made some temperature adjustments for the proximity of the radiator to the valve.

But now, even though all devices are set to switch down to a much lower temperature at 10pm, the heating is still pumping heat out at least 30-45 minutes later, and the boiler is producing heat. Also, at about 3am the boiler kicks in and starts heating up. If I check my phone app to see what's happening, it shows our bedroom as "heating", even though the room temperature is approx 17 deg, and the required temperature is 14 deg.

I'm looking at having to swap them out again for the old ones, unless somebody can give me an idea what's going on here?


Best Answer

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    @SilstonGeezer go to Settings - Rooms and Devices, then click on each room name. Scroll to the bottom and you can set the zone controller.

    If no zone controller is set then that room cannot call for heat. If a zone controller is set to the device physically wired to the boiler then that room can ask the controller to fire the boiler - i.e it can request heat.


  • A few questions

    1. When you say you made some adjustments due to the proximity of the valve to radiator. What did you do
    2. Have you contacted Tado to get them to set the system how you want? It can either be that the Smart thermostat still has overall control or each device can call for heat individually.
    3. Do you have the early start function enabled on the radiator valves? It doesn't work on them in that the TRVs don't learn how long the room takes to heat so can turn the heating on hours before it's needed. Tado should fix this or disable the feature.
  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    @davidlyall it should be pointed out that your point 2 can now be managed within the app. No need to contact support anymore for that.
  • Thanks Davidlyall

    1) The valves were clearly reporting the temperature as way higher than it actually was, so I used the temperature compensation function on the Tado app to compensate. So e.g :- room temperature is actually 20 deg, but the valve reports it as 25 deg, I compensated -5 deg

    2) No I didn't know that was a thing. Thanks cbd20, however I can't find that on the app

    3) No, we tried using early start when we first had the system, however the boiler is in our en suite bathroom, and the randomness of the times it would start up was causing us to lose too much sleep

    It seems likely the procedure you describe in 2) would help. What's the best way to get Tado to do this?


  • Thanks for your help

    The procedure outlined by cbd20 worked perfectly.

    Each thermostat now controls it's own radiator, but has no ability to call for heat, which is the kind of behaviour we need.

    Thanks again for your help