Individual Room Boost Request
Hey, Would it be possible to implement a solution, where heating for an individual room only could be boosted? Currently, this is missing from the app, as you can only hit a button to boost all rooms at once and then you have to untick the ones that you are not interested in. Which is a bit cumbersome. The only tweak I…
Help adding a TRV to a 2 zone tado system?
We have our heating set into 2 zones (upstairs & downstairs) and have been using tado for a few months controlling the 2 zones independently which was working fine. I recently tried to add a tado smart radiator thermostat to add more control to one individual room upstairs and have been having issues. Our original set up…
Feature proposal
Hello I have a Smart Thermostat X from your company and the problem is that it turns on and off too frequently (every 10 minutes). Why don't you add a feature in the app: if I set the room temperature to 23°C, it should go until 23.2°C (or whatever I want, +0.1, +0.2, +0.3) so that the heating system would run much less.…
Geofencing when away from home
I am a new user with tado (4 days) and am about to go on holiday for two weeks and want to know the best way to do this do I just turn my thermostat down and mark as away thwn changethe setings when I get back to the uk to my desired temp? John
Tado Heating System Problem – Boiler Shuts Down and RCD Trips
Hi, For the past week, I've been experiencing an issue where my boiler is behaving weirdly, causing the RCD breaker to trip. When this happens, I reset the RCD and try to turn on the heating for a single room via the Tado app. However, as soon as the boiler starts up, the RCD trips again. This has become quite frustrating.…
Notification when the device triggers the heating to turn on
In the past the heating has been turned on even though it has not been manually activated and the scheduled times have not been triggered. Obviously when no one is in the house this becomes a major issue, particularly with the rising cost of fuel. Can you develop a notification that an email or app notification is sent…
Suggestion for Tado App: Ability to rename "Other Devices"
A suggestion for the next Tado app update from my side would be the ability to rename the individual Tado X Bridges and Tado X Receivers in the same way it is possible with the Smart Thermostats. Since i have two bridges and 6 Wireless Receivers (multizone setup) it gets tricky to know which one is which one without having…
Individual temperature settings
It would be really good if you could have temperature profiles for each person and then one for when there’s multiple people home. I have my schedule set up so my partner is t cold, but I always turn it down when she goes out and I’m home. It would be nice if taco would see I’m home alone and reduce it to the temperatures…
'Boost' Function should work by zone
I have 3 floors to my house and 3 wireless receivers on my boiler. Every radiator has a Tado X TRV on it. Occasionally we like to boost the heating, but we are only ever normally on 1 floor. During the day, if I want to boost the heating downstairs, by pressing 'boost' every single radiator across 3 floors comes on, making…
Rename Zone Controllers / Wireless Receivers
We should have the ability to rename the wireless receivers and give them proper zone names. I have 3 wireless receivers on my boiler for 3 floors in my house. When I add a new temp sensor or radiator TRV, I should be able to add it to 'downstairs' or 'basement' or 'upstairs'. Not to PR123456789! I installed all three…
New/Old system problem
I've just bought a complete system from a neighbour who gave up on it. I got it for a song, but I am having an issue with it. I bought it and set it up a while back, can't remember exactly when (maybe 8 weeks), but I did so because I'm going away for a couple of weeks and wanted to set a couple of rooms to stay at a set…
Hot Water Turned On Outside of Schedule
Hi Everyone I have just completed my Tado Wireless V3+ Installation with the bridge, wireless thermostat, wireless receiver and 5 TRVs. I followed the installation settings exactly. I have a Y-Plan system with a heat only boiler and a Hot Water cylinder. The HW cylinder has with a Cylinder Thermostat which is set to 65c.…
Cannot generate Matter credentials in Tado app
Hi! I have an issue where I cannot generate Matter credentials in Tado app. When I was setting the system up, it was buggy and I had to add and remove the devices several times, but eventually I managed to generate Matter credentials. Now, however, there is no way for me to generate any - the option disappeared from the…
Easy programming
Hi, Could an easy programming feature implemented? Like vacation: leave on ... date, return on ... date. Temperature during absence.... And quick day programming. Morning, ... °C work..°C evening...°C. I had this on my previous thermostat and it worked very easy and intuitive. Thank you all!
Schedule printing
Hello, Schedules are really helpful in keeping my house warm economically and I’d really find it useful if it were possible to create a file or print the schedules for my home heating. Different rooms have different requirements because of varying uses at different times of the day. I expect others would also find this…
Symbol ?
Anyone know what this symbol represents? Seen a few suggestions …but nothing concrete