Black cover plate
You cannot buy a black cover plate, perhaps there are more people who would like it and maybe then they will get them on the market
A configuration option to delay geofencing (returning home)
I propose a configuration option to delay heating (when automatic geofencing is used) when returning home. This could be useful for single person households where primary mode of transportation is cycling. Rationale: Most of the time I travel by bike. When I return home, heating is not necessary for about 30 - 60 minutes,…
Better block temperature indication in the schedule.
I thought it was great that the schedule had blue blocks for when I wanted it cold (at night and while at work) and orange blocks for when you wanted it warm, nice and easy to see what's going on. But then I saw that the warm block were set to 25 and thought that was ridiculous, so I set them to 18, and suddenly it's all…
add name to devices
hello, it would be nice to be able to de a name to the devices in a room. for the moment we find the number there would be more understandable if we could add a name
Thermostat should measure humidity in a way that is not useless
Hi, I’ve been using my smart thermostat for a while on firmware 90.1. I have it integrated with HomeKit and as it turns out, using HomeKit (an advertised feature) completely breaks the humidity sensor (also an advertised feature). The humidity sensor is completely out of touch and only reports values every 5% change. This…
Allow Tado App to display independent Temperture readings
I don't want to put a £70+ tado device with a IP20 or IP30 rating in my 99% humidity Bathroom, but I would like to be able to see the reading from a (much cheaper) none Tado Alexa enabled measurement device. Can this skill be added?
App translation in Romanian
Hi Tado community, Any idea if a translation of the app would be soon available in Romanian as well? I am willing to support this effort in my spare time, maybe there are other community members that would like to contribute as well. Best, Andrei
Flexible Schedules
I think it would be cool to have a way to make different schedules for your house. For example a geust schedule where your geust bedroom and your dining room turn to different heating schedules, whereas perhaps normally your geust bedroom would be off or run on a lower heat I also think there should be a geofencing control…
Tado tiles a waste of an oppitunity
I am a new comer to Tado and the biggest disappointment is the app, the tiles on the Home section is an utter shambles, I find it really stupid having to go into a tile to view the inside temp, humidity and heat request (the 3 little squiggles) and the fact that no icon with in the tiles show if the radiator is receiving…
Names, notes and status
It would be useful, at least to me, to be able to give a name/location note to each individual Smart Radiator Thermostat and I would also like to be able to see the open/closed status of each SRT.
Child locks for all devices
It would be good to have child locks for all devices, wireless thermostats and wireless AC controls. Wireless AC controls need to be fitted to make them smart but ideally want them to not be manually controlled by the occupant
Hot water stats
Any chance to have stats for the hot water? At the moment it is impossible to see how long the hot water has been on for a day/week/month/etc I can see when the boiler has been on but just for heating.
Wireless Temperature Sensor child lock
When linking temperature sensor with tado TRV and child safety lock is enabled on TRV. You can still override and control the TRV by adjusting the temperature from the wireless sensor. Please add the option to enable child lock on the wireless temperature sensor or to the room.