New hardware product: controller for electric underfloor heating
Please consider adding a new item of hardware to your set of products; a controller for underfloor heating. Such a unit should: Be able to switch at least 16A. Have an integrated air temperature sensor. Have connections for an underfloor temperature probe. Support operation in 3 modes; air temp only, floor temp only and…
Limit the amount of heat a room can request (three flames)
It would be awesome if we could limit the amount of heat a room can request. This could be based upon the three heating indicators already shown in the app. This way we could limit a room with in floor heating to only request low heated water since it does not make sense to run the system at 70 degrees because the intake…
Fenster offen bei Fußbodenheizung
Hallo, ist es nicht sinnvoller bei der Fenster offen Erkennung die Temperatur einer Fußbodenheizung runterzufahren anstatt auszuschalten? Eine Fußbodenheizung braucht doch ewig bis sie wieder anspringt?
MFA - 2FA authentication for increased security
Hi, A bit surprised that no 2FA is offered/configurable for increased security when signing in and/or starting the application. (And possibly but overkill linking it to actions in the app (home/away, changing schedule, .....) Other smarthome apps - MyQ, iRisco, Ring, ..... - all have (added) this feature to avoid…
Geofencing able to adjust individual rooms
Would be a great feature if geofencing could turn on/off an individual’s room if they are not home instead of everyone having to be out of the house
Opening of Tado to other home automation systems (JEEDOM)
Hello, Thanks to the thermostatic heads, I have a temperature and humidity sensor in each room of my house I would like to be able to use this data to manage the speed of my VMC via my Jeedom home automation system A connectivity with Jeedom for this would be great (local API ?) Thanks Pierre
Improve Scheduling Functionality
I think it would be amazing to see the following added to the Tado platform\app to improve functionality and usability. Multiple schedules - This improvement is a must, there needs to be an ability to have multiple schedules per room in place to allow users to manage heating in their homes for different times of the year…
Boost heating - timer
Boost Heating - timer Can you please add a timer for the Boost Heating Timer to the application? example. it's not so cold at night that I want to heat the whole night, the heating is set to off, but I would like to turn on Boost Heating for 30 minutes at three in the morning, for example, and then switch the heating…