Allow heating of rooms that don't have a tado device installed.
I have some radiators without a TRV. Would be good to be able to heat them up i.e: turn on the boiler with the thermostat, but turn off all the other radiators that have tado Smart TRVs.
IFTTT open window detection
Hi, Today the open window detection relies on a sudden temperature change I assume. It would be much better if it could be kicked off by IFTTT. That way, anyone with a Z-Wave or Zigbee alarm system could send an alert to Tado to trigger open window and stop it when the window is closed. Would also be great if if could work…
Ampliar el número máximo de habitaciones controladas por un controlador
Veo interesante poder controlar más de 10 instancias con un controlador. En mi caso, tengo 10 cabezales termostáticos, una por habitación, y si instalo un cabezal adicional en un dormitorio distingo no podré controlarlo.
Summer Mode: Open/close your windows during Summer notifications
It would be great if during Summer you could get notifications to open your windows when the outside temperature is lower than the indoor. And to close your windows when outside is warmer than inside (or predicted to be soon). This is currently not easy to do with Apple Home automation or Apple Shortcuts so it could be a…
Princess Air Conditioner
Please make the Smart AC Control compatible with Princess Smart AC 9000
"open window detection" online when heating is on...
during the summer i still get (lots) of "open window detected" notifications. but the heating is not on... would be great to only get this notification when energy can be saved
physical child lock to prevent removing tado knob from radiator
My 11 months old son is removing the smart radiator knob from the radiator (likewise how I would change the batteries). This opens the valve of the radiator completely and he can burn himself to the radiator. Please design knobs in such way that they can't be opened and removed that easily. Thanks
Make the hot water schedule "smarter"
After returning home from holiday to find there is no hot water, I'm a little disappointed at how Tado deals with the "Smart Schedule" for hot water. I have a standard indirect hot water cylinder and have Tado set to top it up in the morning and in the evening. I recently went on holiday for a few days and returned home in…
Power failure notification
Send a notification or an email if tado accessories lost connection which may mean a power failure (for example while you are in holiday, allowing to ask a reset to a friend).
Single graph to show when heating was called
I have an interesting situation where according to my gas meter I'm using gas during the night, however there's no simple way to see which room is causing this to be triggered without looking at each graph in turn. Can we have a single graph which shows when heating was called for each room please.
Turn on radiator valve for maintenance
Not sure if this is already implemented but I couldn't find it. It would be nice if we can open the radiator valves for maintenance even if the temperature is way above 25º. I needed to manually open all the radiator valves for maintenance.
aircon control should be battery powered as per thermostats
I am disappointed that the aircon control needs continuous mains power and not battery as per thermostats
Varios termostatos y varias válvulas termostáticas
Buenos días.yo ya tengo en dos viviendas los termostatos y cabezales termostaáticos Mi duda es la siguiente.Tengo un hotel con tres zonas gobernadas por bombas y termostatos independientes .Quiero montar Todo cableado.Mi duda es la siguiente: *Quiero poner en cada habitación una válvula termostáticamente .Puedo hacer q…
Summer/Winter Mode
The app should have a summer mode which, once activated, amends all schedules down by a predetermined amount, to counter ambient temperatures. For example, 22 degrees in winter feels comfortable, whereas 22 degrees in summer feels too hot. This is due to ambient temperatures, which affect heat retention. Now that temps…