Possible to delete incorrect heating data?


I was having my boiler checked the other day and the heating engineer asked me to turn the thermostat to full so the heating would kick on. All good, no problem - turned Tado to 25c, boiler turned on.

He then turned the boiler off, and I forgot to set Tado back to schedule mode. Thankfully, the boiler did not continue heating the house for the two days it took me to remember. And so, Tado was “calling for heat” constantly.

And so, Energy IQ now believes I’ve used £400 worth of gas.

Is there any way to change the previous data in Tado to show that the heating was not, in fact, set to 25c for 48hrs?


  • shaakunthala

    I have the same question in connection with the "heat up protocol" of a newly built underfloor heating system. For example, I let it run warm water all day by setting the thermostat to 25 degrees, but the water temperature was also at 25 degrees (not 55).

    EnergyIQ started showing crazy estimates around €600 while actual costs were only 1/10 of it. I don't know how to delete the incorrect data.

    Now I think, maybe I should have used the old Remeha iSense thermostat just to run the initial heating/ cooling cycle.