Room stuck in Open Window mode


Has anyone experienced this before:

The black line indicates the room has detected an open window which has been active since 9:30 yesterday. (There was no open window, just yet another false positive). It's now stuck in this state and I can't seem to deactivate it. I've tried turning heating off and toggling home/away mode.

It doesn't seem to be affecting the schedule, but it does mean the open window detection isn't working at all for this room. I opened all the windows in the room, the temperature dropped ~1 degree in a few mins, but heating didn't turn off.

Anyone seen this before or know how to fix?


  • tomtomtomtoms
    edited December 2021

    Hey @GrayDav4276 - sorry if it's a little clear. It triggered the notification at 9:30 (incorrectly) and has been stuck in Open Window mode since.

    This picture from today might demonstrate it better. The dark grey line a bottom indicates when it's in Open Window mode, so basically all day...

    I've decided to contact Tado support and they're going to look into it.