Do you really need a smart thermostat if you have a extension kit

Having read conflicting responses on this on the forums, do we know exactly how the TRVs connect. If you have a extension kit controlling the boiler, do the TRVs talks directly to it, do they converse via the bridge or ( as some have said ) do they converse via a smart thermostat? I guess i could find out by turning bits off but just wondered if anyone had already determined this.


  • Yes and yes, have all installed so was just wondering exactly how it all communicated, as said I could find out by switching the smart therm and bridge off but just thought I’d ask first
  • Thanks knew all the above, only question was do the SRVs talk direct to the receiver or via the bridge/smart therm
  • I have the same or similar question. Do I need a thermostat? I have 8 trvs and extension kit with hot water control. I also have a thermostat that has sat in a drawer for 10 months, have no use for it, can I remove this thermostat from my system and let the trvs and extension kit control my heating an hot water.

    Thermostat is asking for batteries at the minute and I don't see the point in replacing them.
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