w.Intercom = i;Why can't I seem to turn on/off tado X through Alexa voice control? — tado° Community

Why can't I seem to turn on/off tado X through Alexa voice control?

I have Tado X valves across the home with smart thermostat. I recently connected one of the devices to Amazon Alexa app through an echo dot 5e. All devices work fine when operated through Tado app and temperature can be controlled, turned on and off easily.

However, when I turn a Tado X valve off, Alexa can't seem to turn it on. The reverse is true if the device is on and set to a certain temperature, I can't turn it off. I know that Alexa connection is working because when the device is on and I want to change the temperature, the valve responds and perform that. For example, valve is at 15 degree centigrade and I ask Alexa to change it to 18 or 12, it will do that just fine. But if I ask it to turn it off or reverse, Alexa says "Study doesn't support that"

Has anyone encountered this?



  • Hallo @SFaizan,

    Sorry om te lezen dat je tado°-opstelling niet werkt zoals bedoeld.

    Een belangrijk onderdeel dat in dit artikel wordt uitgelegd, is dat je tado°-apparaten in de Alexa-app op exact dezelfde manier moeten worden gegroepeerd als in je tado°-app (bijvoorbeeld dat ze zich in dezelfde kamers bevinden). Anders werken spraakopdrachten niet.

    Als je je apparaten al correct hebt georganiseerd in Alexa, kun je contact opnemen met de ondersteuning van tado° voor verdere hulp.