w.Intercom = i;Tado system has a delay in responding to the commands I give through the app. — tado° Community

Tado system has a delay in responding to the commands I give through the app.

Hello there fellow Tado users.

I have been using Tado (Tado Draadloze Slimme Thermostaat V3+ Startpakket) for the last couple of years without any issues.

I recently observed the following strange behavior: When I turn the heating on or off (either using the ground floor thermostat or the radiator thermostats on the upper floors), or when I adjust the temperature, there is a noticeable delay. This delay happens both in displaying the adjustment on the screen (more than 2 minutes) and in executing the change itself. I have restarted all devices and my router, but the problem still persists. Have you encountered a similar issue? Do you think I should try the pairing process all again?


  • Kogelenberg
    November 2024 aangepast

    Good to read this @Nikitas I have the same. However not completely. In the app the status changes immediately but the action on the devices is delayed with 2 minutes. I have this behavior on all different devices (smart ac, radiator valves and thermostats). I have restarted my complete network, switched to a different ISP. Nothing works….

  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator
    November 2024 aangepast
    Nederlands forum mag in het Nederlands.
    Zie dit topic
  • Here also delay (2 min) or disconnect ( smart AC) for a couple of days now. Problem by Tado. Of what I heared they are looking for a sollution. To give them some prio, please notify them.
  • @Andreplusplus Sorry. I am an expat and my Dutch are not good. I will use google translate next time.

    Thank you all for the replies. It seems that I am not the only one with this issue. I raised the problem to their chat box. Let's see if they are going to fix it. Not the best period to have this kind of technical issues.

  • @Kogelenberg Thanks for the reply. In my app the status also changes immediately. What I meant by "delay in displaying the adjustment on the screen", I meant the "screen" of the thermostats.

  • Ik heb hier sinds gisteren ook last van maar in de overtreffende trap. Toevallig ook net een gisteren een nieuwe ketel sinds en nu reageert ketel door vertraging ook niet op warmtevraag. Display laten knipperen reageert ook vaak niet of heel slecht. Warmtevraag komt heel soms vele uren later opgang. Zou dit met elkaar te maken kunnen hebben. Koud huis inmiddels en CV installateur al gebeld maar heb een vermoeden dat het meer aan Tado ligt dan aan de nieuwe ketel
  • Tado airco werkt ook alleen met een enorme delay dus vandaar dat ik weer dat het niet met de cv ketel te maken heeft maar ergens bij tado. Vraag mij alleen af omdat ketel heel slecht reageert of ketel de de initiele warmtevraag van tado vergeet door deze enorme delay
  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator
    Is een bij tado bekend probleem. Er wordt aan gewerkt is mij verteld.

    @Nikitas My apologies, I didn't realize that. Did you know there is an English forum as well? You can switch languages from the hamburger menu (top left)