Spanish and Italian tado° community forums archived May 8th 2024

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Why does Tado make warm noises about multi-home - yet ignore it?


1 - Why does Tado make warm noises about multi-home when, SINCE V1 Tado it has consistently ignored this often requested feature?

2 Why has Tado has completely Ignored multihome?

3 Why has Tado has completely ignored profile switching in the app?

4 Why has Tado has over time, only made the log out and back in longer and more complicated with complete amnesia every time you log in?

Our solution: My wife controls the thermostat in her phone and we TURN OFF ALL smart features, and I control the holiday on my phone let again with ALL SMART FEATURES OFF.

The lack of this feature converts a smart system into a 'thermostat timer'. Tado, you can add all the bells and whistles you like - they all stay off so that the system is usable. I don't care about electricity readings - fix the basics.

Tado please respond ......

