Tado, please change schedule screen to vertical, like hive app:
I have change from hive to Tado for the beautiful hardware, but the hive app/schedules are an example to copy. All week visible and editable in one screen! If you click the black dot with three little white sign, you can copy and paste the visible schedule to all weekly days or a particular day of you choose. This with…
Smart A/C auto function
Smart AC works great apart from one major feature. Setting the A/C to Auto, so during Spring/Autumn where the temperature might need to be either warm or cool depending on the weather that day. Like universal tv remotes that you programme by pointing the IR signal and recording it, why doesnt Tado support this function? It…
TADO Thermostat should have option to use 12V supply
I am replacing thermostats in my existing heating arrangement with TADO thermostats. Not uncommonly my UFH and heating is controlled by a Wiring Centre which supplies power to all my thermostats. This happens to be 12V DC. I am surprised to learn that the TADO relies on a battery to power it and connect be connected to the…
A link to new feature releases
Could you add an Updates link where you can see all the recent and previous feature updates you’ve made. Use case: I just opened up the app and saw the ‘child lock’ feature you added, but stupidly, I hit ‘skip’ and now can’t find an (easy) way of finding it again.
Calibrate radiators with room thermostat
I have 5 rooms setup with smart radiator thermostats but only need one wireless thermostat for my main living area. It would be great it I could calibrate my other rooms by placing the room thermostat in each room for ‘x’ amount of time to automatically set the temperature offset.
Android widget with home overview
I would like a widget where to quickly glimpse the home state: Home/Away Temperature/Humidity/Open Window for several (selected) rooms Does anybody else feel this would b e a nice addition?
Eliminate community signup process when user registered on app.
If a user has the tado app and is signed up / registered for Tado. Then submitting Suggestions should not require setting up another account. See tools like TabsFolders where submitting a suggestion / bug report takes 2 clicks after initial signup.
Show heater temperature information when heating (+ control parameters)
Currently, using OpenTherm, Tado can ramp up the heater temperature very quickly. Sometimes even reaching 80 degrees. It would be great if a tile in the app can show the temperature of the water in the heating system. It is indicated on the heater itself and also on my previous thermostat. Offering this in a graph showing…
Data Logging Overlay
It would be great if I could overlay all the temp / humid readings I have on my system on a single display rather than having to keep switching between each device.